Thursday, November 26, 2015

#SomeoneTellFoxNews: How International Media Covered Pope in Kenya

#SomeoneTellFoxNews: How International Media Covered Pope in Kenya
Fox News has been criticised byKenyans for its approach to African issues which exposed warped camera lens under which it views Africa. The stereotype comes close on the heels of US President Barack Obama who a CNN commentator called Kenya a “hotbed of terror”.
Fox headlined “Pope Visits War-Torn Africa” despite Kenya being a peaceful state which has largely healed from the disputed 2007/8 post-election violence. The Pope himself brought messages of hope and reconciliation.
Fox News was whipped by Kenyans on Twitter for biased reporting on Pope Francis in Africa

#SomeoneTellFoxNews for its stereotyped news coverage. The popularity of the topic was only rivalled with #PapalMass which topped the trends.
BBC covered up to the minute with live feeds from Twitter. It quoted Pope’s address to the guests and Catholic congregation numbering a million at the University of Nairobi. The British broadcaster remained the most professional international press with a special focus on Africa in a fair manner.
Nairobi Trends during Pope's visit. Photo/BBC.

The local media did a great job too eclipsing the international press by dedicating acres of newspaper space and TV airtime to the Pope’s maiden visit to Africa. Africans need to tell their stories to the world. The African narrative must get out because it is worth telling since it is not all gloom and doom in the continent.
The Fox News Trends on Twitter remain scathing. See below:
#SomeoneTellFoxNews they should air documentaries on how foxes coexist and leave our continent out of their BS!
#SomeoneTellFoxNews cnn tried and failed
#SomeoneTellFoxNews that even white cars ride on black tyres...#SayNoToRacism
#Someonetellfoxnews: KOT Attack Fox News For Biased Reporting
#SomeoneTellFoxNews #KOT ruthlessly hit at FOX News for “War-Torn Africa label #PapalMass 
#SomeoneTellFoxNews the last time we had war, it was on twitter with CNN. Their VP had to personally apologize to our President @UKenyatta
it was not war. It was a 21 Gun Salute.

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